Spoil Your Furry Friend With a Pet Treat This Valentine’s Day
3 Ways to Safely Treat Your Pet on Valentine’s Day Although you show your furry friend just how much you love them every day, Valentine’s Day gives you the opportunity to shower them with even more adoration. While your pet cannot have chocolate, there are many other...

What Is Canine Influenza and What Should You Know About It
My Dog Is Coughing: Do They Have the Flu? Cough, cough, cough. Hearing your pooch sound like they’re hacking up a lung not long after you had the flu may make you wonder if they contracted your illness. While your dog certainly can become sick with a respiratory...

How Much Daily Exercise Your Pet Requires
How Much Daily Exercise Does My Pet Need? While all pets need exercise every day, the amount each cat or dog requires varies. Follow the guidelines below to create a general exercise plan, and take into account your pet’s age, breed, and health for a personalized...

What Does a Cat Need to Be Healthy?
What Does a Cat Need to Be Healthy? Although cats may seem as if they are largely self-sufficient and require little care, especially compared to their canine counterparts, realistically, they need just as much specialized attention to remain happy and healthy. To...

Behavioral Issues That Can Arise As Your Pet Ages
Aging Changes: Common Behavior Problems in Senior Pets Advancing age seems to bring with it a number of health issues for pets, including behavior problems. As your furry pal grows older, keep an eye out for common behavior issues that may pop up so you can get help...

How to Make a Thanksgiving Plate for Your Pet
How to Prepare a Pet-Safe Thanksgiving Feast An overloaded table filled with your favorite dishes is one of Thanksgiving’s highlights. While you are drooling over a heaping plate, so is your pet. However, many popular Thanksgiving foods are dangerous for pets. Let...

How to Spot Pet Diabetes
Spot Check: 5 Diabetes Signs in Pets November is National Pet Diabetes Month, a month dedicated to educating pet owners on the signs and management of this endocrine disorder. By learning how to spot the following signs of pet diabetes, you can help them get the...

What is the Role of a Veterinary Technician?
Veterinary Technicians: An Essential Part of Your Pet’s Health Care Team To spread awareness about the crucial role veterinary technicians play in animal health, the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) celebrates National Veterinary...

5 Tips to Ensure Your Senior Pet Stays Mobile
5 Ways to Help Your Senior Pet Remain Mobile As your pet ages, they likely will experience stiff, achy joints caused by osteoarthritis. Fortunately, you have many options to help keep your senior pet active and mobile throughout their golden years. Give the following...

Prepare Your Pet for the Back-to-School Transition
Making the switch from summer to school can be rough for all family members, four-legged ones included. To help make the back-to-school transition easier—for your pet, at least—give the following tips a try. #1: Set up your back-to-school schedule ahead of time Going...