3 Reasons Your Dog Has Diarrhea
Nothing makes a pet owner rise from their bed more quickly in the middle of the night than the unmistakable sound—and smell—of their dog having diarrhea. While this occurrence may prompt you to turn to Google for middle-of-the-night relief for your dog, understanding...

How to Spot Heatstroke in Your Pet
Summertime is full of fun in the sun, but it's also important to keep an eye on your pets during the hotter months. Heatstroke can be a serious condition for dogs and cats, so it's crucial to know how to spot the symptoms. This blog post will teach you what to look...

How Do Pet Microchips Work?
Microchipping is a process during which a small, electronic chip is implanted under your pet's skin. This chip contains important information about your pet, such as their name, contact information, and medical records. If your pet ever gets lost or separated from...

Avoid These Waterborne Pet Parasites
Summertime is perfect for swimming and enjoying the outdoors, but did you know that your pet can contract waterborne illnesses from swimming in contaminated lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water? In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the most common waterborne...

How To Help Your Pet Cope With Noise Aversion
Noises make pets nervous. So, it’s no surprise that fireworks – a barrage of sudden, loud noises – can send them into a tailspin. For some pets, the Fourth of July is an anxiety-inducing nightmare. But with a little preparation and understanding, you can help your pet...

Is it a Good Idea to Bring Your Pet with You On Your Summer Vacation?
How to Decide What to Do with Your Pet During a Summer Vacation As your summer vacation draws near, you may be wondering what to do with your pet. Should you take them with you? Are they better off at a boarding facility? Maybe you should investigate pet sitters in...

3 Ways to Help Your Newly Adopted Shelter Cat Feel at Home
3 Ways to Help Your New Shelter Cat Feel at Home June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, although welcoming a new cat into your home and family is an excellent idea any time of year. However, naturally, your new feline friend may be unsure and anxious in their new...

Tips for Helping with Dog Anxiety
Does Your Canine Have Dog Anxiety? Dog anxiety is more common than you might think. Signals that indicate your pup could be anxious can be difficult to detect, but once you know what to look for, you may find them to be pretty obvious. In honor of Dog Anxiety Week,...

The Importance of Microchipping Your Pet
3 Reasons Why Every Pet Owner Should Have Their Pet Microchipped Is there any greater fear than the thought of losing your four-legged friend? No matter whether you live near a busy road, in the middle of a vast wilderness, or in a quiet suburb, you may worry about...

How to Tell If You Have an Anxious Cat
How to Tell If You Have an Anxious Cat Cats are highly sensitive creatures who have a hard time adapting to change. Whether the disturbance is minor, such as setting the clocks ahead an hour and disrupting a routine, or major, such as moving to a new home, an...